Source Protection Authority

The North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority is an oversight board for the local Source Protection process. The Authority is comprised of elected representatives from each of the member municipalities, including those from the Conservation Authority Board and some from municipalities that are only within the Source Protection Area. The Authority is tasked with selecting or approving members to sit on the Source Protection Committee, and reviewing and receiving comments on each of the Terms of Reference, Assessment Report and Source Protection Plan.

The Source Protection Authority Board includes the following representation:

Shelley Belanger – Township of Papineau-Cameron (2024 Chair)
Michelle Lahaye - Municipality of Mattawan (2024 Vice Chair)
Steve Featherstone - Township of Bonfield
Grant McMartin - Municipality of Callander
Bill Moreton - Municipality of Calvin
Nunzio Scarfone - Township of Chisholm
Steve Trahan - Municipality East Ferris
Loren Mick - Town of Mattawa
Chris Mayne - City of North Bay
Lana Mitchell - City of North Bay
Peter Chirico - City of North Bay
Steve Kirkey - Nipissing Township
Dave Britton - Municipality of Powassan
Jim Ronholm - Township of Strong
Teri Brandt - Village of South River

Source Protection Committee

The North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority appointed nine members to the local Committee responsible for developing a plan to protect the quality and quantity of the region’s municipal drinking water sources. The members, who represent various stakeholder groups within the community, were appointed following an extensive application and interview process. Source Protection Planning is a component of Ontario’s Clean Water Act, 2006 and is being carried out in 19 regions across the province. Facilitated at a local level by the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, the development of the science-based plan is led by the local multi-stakeholder Committee.

Beverley Hillier (North Bay), Randy McLaren (Bonfield) and Tim McKenna (Callander) represent all area municipalities in the planning process.  The economic sector is represented by Maurice Schlosser (agriculture), George Stivrins (industrial/commercial) and Peter Murray (transportation). The three remaining members-at-large are Lucy Emmott, and Andrea Labelle. Currently, there is also an opening for a First Nations representative.

The Source Protection Committee Chair is Wayne Belter, appointed by the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks in September 2019.  The Committee Chair is responsible for receiving and sending Committee correspondence, setting agendas and chairing meetings, and reporting to the Ministry and the Authority regarding the project process.

The following persons also participate in discussions at meetings of the Source Protection Committee, as non-voting Liaisons:
Representative of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks: Laura Collings (Programs Analyst, Conservation and Source Protection Branch)
Designated representative of the North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority: Chithra Gowda (CAO, North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority)
Representative of the medical officer of health for the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit:  Brent Allen (Senior Public Health Inspector, NBPSDHU).

The Source Protection Committee is responsible for the Terms of Reference, Assessment Report & Source Protection Plan for the source water of the five municipal drinking water systems in the North Bay-Mattawa area. The five municipal systems service the communities of Callander, Mattawa, North Bay, Powassan and South River. The initial planning process spanned from 2007-2012 and incorporated several opportunities for formal public consultation led by the Committee and project staff.

The Conduct of Committee Members and Committee Procedure throughout the process is guided by Code of Conduct and Rules of Procedures that have been approved by the Source Protection Authority and signed by the Committee members. The documents can be accessed from the right-hand column.

Profiles are available for each of the Source Protection Committee Members. for further information or questions

North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority

15 Janey Avenue
North Bay, Ontario
P1C 1N1

Phone: (705) 474-5420
Fax: (705) 474-9793 

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